Reiki & Meditation
Reiki is a spiritual energy used through the palms of the hands as a healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is good for relieving tension from everyday stressors.
Reiki is a holistic healing art for:
Stress Relief and Relaxation
Relief of Pain and Promotes Healing
Increasing Physical Energy
Enhancing Immune Function
Spiritual Growth & Personal Empowerment
Experiencing Inner Peace
Enhancing Meditation & Intuition
Clearing & Energizing Your Home
Reiki is a method of amplifying your inner healing energy, which is known as “ki”. Healthy “ki” nourishes your physical body, and helps to balance mental and emotional energy. Many people also find that Reiki is a form of Divine healing love which helps them deepen their awareness of their innate spirituality.
Reiki serves as a bridge between medicine, science and spirituality.
Although Reiki can be experienced as spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. Reiki can be practiced within the context of any religious belief that one might have, or by people who have no particular religious affiliation, or belief.
Meditation classes coming soon! Please call if interested to be put on the class list.
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